L. H. Journal
p. 41
568 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
in this place, soe nere the Center of his Lordsps province for
the great ease and Generall Conveniency of the Inhabitants
thereof and ffurther to desire his Lop: to signify to both houses
what place his Lop Intends to hold all future Assemblyes and
provincall and Offices Att, That this house may take spedy
Care to make provision of building for the of.
ffurther deb
Mr Duell pead
Vpon further Debate Satterday last
Concerning A present to Mr D
shall prsent him with the
sume publique Yea or Nay:
Long & Mr Hosier draw, In Answere
to the message of Satterday last: about Mr Pead:
all from the vppr house brings the bill for Less-
ening the Number and bettering the breed of horses & And
the ffollowing message relateing thereto
Upper house October the Twenty fourth 1683
Message relateing to
the Act for Lessening the
Number and bettering the
breed of horses
This house have read the bill from the
Lower house Entitled an Act for lessen-
ing the number and bettering the breed of
Horses within this province, but Cannot
find that this bill as now drawne will Either Answere the Intent
or title of the sd Act for These Two reasones,
ffirst this Act will discourage few people from keeping horse
or mare Especially any Single man freeman or persone that is
noe housekeeper for the number of horses in each County
will lessen the Leavy, that they will pay noe more, or very
little more, or it may be less then formerly. This Act lessens
not the Number nor betters the breed but Only transferrs the
Interest and property of a horse from One to An Other, but
still the horse is Alive and Eats Grass & Getts Into Corne-
feilds as much as Ever.
This house is very willing and thinke it very necessary tht
a law pass for lessening the number and bettering the breed
of Horses, And in Order To that this house Offers these proposi-
tions to the Consideraccons of the lower House, Conceiveing
the same may Answere the End to which the Law is Intended:
1: That six ston'd horses be kept at severall Houses in
Every County of 15 handfulls Hight, to be Kept in some Safe
Inclosure or house to serve as Stallions, In and for that
2: That noe Ston'd Horse be Suffered to Range in the
woods, That it shall be Lawfull for any persone to Kill or
destroy them at pleasure after a Certayne time.
3 Every man that is willing to have his mare gott with foale