542 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
Their Consideraccons, soe much stand-
ing this house Intends not to doe
That the vpper house will not
Eleccons aforesd Not more desired by this
peace quiet and well being of this province.
Signd p Order
Mr Hill Mr Hatton & Mr Richardsone sent to the vppr house
with the foregoeing Message, As alsoe the List of persones
Nominated for Commissiors The places Appoynted for Townes
and the message therevpon
They return and say the vppr house is Adjourn'd soe
nnot deliver The same, and soe returne the papers to Mr
A bill prohibitting the
Imbezelling his Lops Ordnance
read the first time
The Committee of priviledges and
Eleccons Come house and pre-
sent A bill Entitled An Act prohib-
itting the Imb Lops the Lord Proprietaryes Ordnance
Armes or Ammunition which bill received its first reading:
Report of the Committee
about better Keeping the
The sayd Committee alsoe report to this
house tht vpon their pervsall of the Lawes
of this province, they find it necessary that
the Law for Military Discipline be Amended in some parts
They alsoe report that the Lawes of the four Last Sessions
of Assembly are much Torne and have been very ill kept,
And that it is necessary that the same be Entered into the
body of Lawes with the rest
The house Adjourne Till To morrow morning 7 a Clock
Wedensday October the Tenth 1683
The house mett and Called all prsent as Yesterday
Then was read what was done Yesterday
Majr Weekes absent till
now, enters the house.
Then Came Major Joseph Weekes a
Delegate for the County of Kent and de-
sires to be excused for not Attending this house sooner, Vyo-
lent sickness haveing been the Occasion thereof:
Which Excuse being- Admitted he Takes his place.
Lists and message sent vp
and delivered
Mr Hill Mr Hatton and Mr Richardsone
Sent to the vppr house with the lists and
Message returned by them last Night
They returne and say they have delivered the same.
Naturalizaccon bill read
the 2d & 3d Times and past
The Act for Naturalizeing John Cosines
& Others, read the Second and 3d Times
by Speciall Ordr of This house; And Assented Too by this house