An Act for the Ordering & regulateing the Militia of this
Prouince & for the better Security and defence thereof—
Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by
& with the aduice and Consent of the upper and lower houses
of this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the
same that from & after the end of the Sessions of this present
Generall Assembly The Militia of this Prouince shall be mus-
tered trayned and Exercised according to these instruccons
and directions following
First That every Collonell Major or Captaine of foote already
Comissionated or hereafter to be Comissionated by his Lord-
shipp his heirs or successors Lords and Proprietaryes of this
Province or his or their Leivtenant or Cheife Gouernour of
this Province for the tyme being shall haue power to inlist
such and soe many men inhabiting within this Province not
hereafter Excepted in their Severall and Respective divisions
between sixteen and sixty yeares of age as they shall thinke
fitt by as equall Proportion of the said Inhabitants as possibly
they can to be of the Militia or trayned bands of this Province
Which said persons soe inlisted they shall muster Exercise &
traine upp att such places & att such certain times as to them
shall seeme meete or the service safety and defence of this
Province shall require or his Lordshipp the Lord Proprietary
of this Prouince his heires or successors or his or their Leivten-