528 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
vpper house would be pleased to propose to this house what
Rule or Method Act or thing, his Lop and Upper house
Conceive necessary to be done, wch may best Conduce to the
procureing of money and Advancement of Trade to the Effect-
ing whereof the Consent and Concurrence of this house is
And therevpon this house shall readyly reassume their debate
The foregoeing message sent to the Uppr house by Capt
Smith and Mr Hatton
They returne and say they have delivered the same.
Then Came Coll Burges & Major Sewall wth the ffollowing
Answere to the fore-
goeing message
Uppr house 3d October 1683:
In Answere to the message this day receved
from the Lower house by Mr Hatton and Capt
p. 6
Smith, This house knowing the Substance thereof to be of very
great Consequence to this province and the Commerce and trade
thereof Doe Desire the Lower house would Appoynt members
of their house to Joyne with members of this house as a Com-
mittee to Consider and Consult the matter Conteyned in the
sayd message and to report the method and way wch by them
shall be agreed on to the Consideraccon of both h
Signd p Ordr Clk of Assembly
Committee Appoynted
about money.
Ordered That Capt Henry Smith and
In Committee with the members of
the vpper house foregoeing message mentioned as
is desired
The House Adjourne till To Clock
Thursday October the 4th
The house mett and Called all prsent as
Then was read what was done Yester
Capt Johnson Excuses his
absence from the house
Then Came Capt Henry Johnsone, One
of the Delegates for and desires
his absence from the house may be excused by a hath
Raysed the ffreshes soe high that he could not pass over them
Emminent danger of his life, wch Excuse being
Admitted he
A Vote Concerning mr
Miles Gibsone.
Then was Taken Into debate the report
of the Comittee of Concerning Mr
Miles Gibsone, And Voted that the said Miles the