Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 525
to the Ordr for Settleing the house shall bee ffined according
to the Discretion of the house vnless vpon Lawfull Excuse
and Admitted by the Speaker
7: All misdemeanours wch shall happen within this house
shall be Censured and fined In this house.
:8: When any bill is presented And Noe One makes objec-
tion Therevnto Mr Speaker shall appoynt any one member to
speake to the sayd bill and Deliver his opinion first and soe in
order as Mr Speaker shall thinke ffitt
:9: That Dureing this Assembly one whatsoever
either deputy Burgess Delegate or Clerke sh Or make
relaccon of any words spoaken in that otherwise vpon
debate or Conference vpon penalty of thinke ffitt.
:10: That bill Dureing this Sessions of As-
sembly but first Called Into the house.
: 11: Delegate nor Clerke Dureing this Sessions of
Tobacco in the house whilst the house is
of being fined Or Censured as the house shall
Signd p Ordr C. Boteler Clk of the Lowr house of Assembly
Rules were Sett vp according to Order
L. H. Journal
p. 3
Mr Carvile sent for the
Carville was sent to the vppr house for
the Journall of the Lower of this
The Clerkes Oath sent
sayes his Lop will send it prsently:
Came Mr John Darnall and brings with
him the forme of the Oath for the Clerk of
the Lower house, and delivers the same to Mr Speaker & De-
sires the may be sent the Vpper house to be sworne
Ordered that the Clk of this house Take the Oath of Clk of
this house And tht Mr Thomas Burford and Mr Henry Hosier
Goe to the vpper house and see the same Administred to him
The Clk sworne
They returne and report that the Clerke was
Sworne vpon the holy Evangelists, and that his
Lopp will send a Coppy of the Oath p'sently
Then Came Mr John Darnall from the vppr house, and
brings a Coppy of the Clerkes Oath of this house as followeth :
Oath of the Lower house Clerke.
You shall Swere that you will faithfully Serve the Right
Honoble the Lord proprietary and the Lower house of Assembly
in the Office of Clerke of the sd Lower house to the best of
yor skill Cunning and knowledge, And that Dureing your
Continuance in the sayd Office you will ffaithfully and truely
enter and record the Orders, Rules and proceedings of the
sayd house And that you will not divulge nor discover the
Debates and secretts of the sayd House wthout the Consent