of Assembly
Holden att the Ridge in Ann Arrundll
the Second day of October in the Eighth Yeare
of the Right Honoble Charles Absolute Lord and
prvinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
Annoque Domini 1683:
Tuesday October the 2d 1683
The house and Called and the members all present
Except Major Joseph Weekes and Mr Henry Hosier Delegates
for Kent County and Mr Henry Johnsone and MrMiles Gibsone
Delegates for Baltemore County:
Mr Speaker and the members of this house were by a mes-
senger Conveend before his Lop in the vppr house where his
Lordsp: set forth in A Speech to both his houses The great
good and benefitt, and the many Advantages that might
Accrue to this province by Erecting Tnwnes, ports, and places
of Trade, within the Same As allsoe the bringing in of Mony
into this province And Desires both his houses To Consider
of best wayes and meanes to doe the Same, his Lordshipp
Assureing both houses that there shall be nothing wanting in
him to Incourage & ffurther the Same wch his Two houses Can
reasonably Devise for the good & benefitt of his Lops good
People. And Soe desires the Lower house to Returne to their
Owne and Seriouly Debate and Consider the Same as the
business of this Assembly:
The Lower house returne and Make Choyce of the great
room: at John Larkins Commonly Called the Court roome;
to Sitt in for this meeting of Assembly:
Where Mr Speaker haveing Taken the Chaire, Charles
Boteler produceth a pattent vnder the Lesser Seale of this
province Signed by the Right Honoble The Lord Proprietary
ffor the Clerkeship of the Lower house of Assembly wch being
read: was Admitted by this house.
Then was Joseph Norwood Admitted Dorekeeper of the
Lower house
The house Adjournes Till To Morning Nine A Clock
L. H. Journal
p. 1