Philips and John Cox whom she tendered for Security to
become bound to his Lordship in a Bond Conditionally That
the said Jacob shall go out of this Province and never more
Return without leave of his Lordship; Two Months time given
for his Departure—
Ordered that the same be proposed in a Message to the
Lower house—
Upper house 3 November 1683
Mrs Young having Besought this house to Accept of Mr
James Philips of Baltimore County and John Cox of Cecil
County as Security for her Husband Jacob Young That he shall
within Two Months Transport himself out of this Province
into some part of Europe and never any more return into this
Province or any other part of America without Special Licence
from his Lordship and the Two houses of Assembly This house
have thought fitt to Move the same to the Lower house for
their Approbation before this house give their Result therein
Signed pr Order J LLewellin Cl Asst to the Assembly
Sent by Coll Stevens he returns
Voted whether the Bill last received from the Lower house
Concerning the Two Shillings pr hhd pass this house or not,
Voted by the Major part that it pass and was Signed thus
3 November 1683
Upper house have Assented
Signed pr Order J LLewellin Cl Asst to the Assembly
Mr Secretary Darnall sent to the Lower house for the Bill
Entituled an Act of Gratitude &t drawn up by this house
M/ Hatton & Mr Hutchins from the Lower house with the
following Message which the Deliver and Return Vizt—
Lower house of Assembly 3 November 1683
The Upper house having promised to Join with the Lower
house as by their Message the first Instant in praying his
Lordship to Assent to a Bill directing the manner of Electing
of Burgesses &t and one other Bill touching the Levying of
Warr and Defraying the Publick Charge of the Province
This house do now desire the Upper house to Send down
their Assent to the said Two Bills being the only proper and