Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1678. 5
nathan Sybrey
William Peerce &
Nathaniel Garrat
L. H. Journal
All appeared Except mr Samuel Tovey a Delegate of Kent
County Coll Wm Burges a Delegate of Ann Arundell County,
Mr Richard Hall & Mr ffrancis Belingsly Delegates of Cal-
vert County, & Mr William Steevens & Mr John White Del-
egates of Somerset County.
Put to the vote by Mr Speaker, whether the Speaker shall
nominate any Member to be a messenger to the upp howse or
to be upon any comittee or that the eleccon of such psons be
put to the whole howse.
Voted that Speaker from time to time appointe &
elect such psons at his pl untill the howse shall vote to
the Contrary Then did appointe Mr Kenelm Chesel-
dyne & Mr Robert Carvile to goe to wse to desire the
Journal of the last Sessions of Assembly.
They Retorne answere that the upp howse will send
the sd Journal by a of their owne.
Then did the hon Gournor send for the Attorney
Genrall Mr Kenelm Chiseldyne, & delivered him the Journall
of the last Sessions of Assembly brought it into the
Put to the vote what
shall be a Quo of
Then was
Put Comittees shalbe
sent for howse, or whether
only the Com bill, before the
bill be put
Voted f Every bill, & that
no bill be p owse The Comittees being
called in
Ordered the up the ord for setling the howse
& Rules to be observed to this howse for their
Jt was pposed by a Mem at whereas the Gouernor
in his speech to the howse this day declares how necessary
it would be for this howse by some Act of theirs to make
a Recognition of the Lord Proprietaryes power so that the
Soldiers might be better Governed, and Ruled in time of warre.
p. 4