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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 493   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 493

Tis not fitt nor reasonable that I should be thus Imposed on
when I only Seek the generall not my private Advantage
when you catch me at the Latter Gentlemen I will give you
leave to make Bargains and then to use me as you have lately
done. Pray Mr Speaker you and the Gentlemen of the Lower
house go and immediately put what I have now directed to
the Vote upon these Terms and no other I am willing to put
of the Day of Sessions, By this means the Province will reap
that Good which I have desired and for the obtaining of
which several thousand pounds of Tobacco has been already
Expended, by this means you will have further time to Settle
some Main points in Our Laws which may be Necessary
should be done this Meeting, which I desire in the presence
of God and all here present may be a happy Meeting for if it
be not remember Gentlemen I now tell you it shall be your
faults not mine I assure you
The 29th of October 1683.

The aforesaid Speech Ended his Lordship Delivered the
same to be Entered in the Journal of this house—
Mr Speaker desired a Copy thereof the same Copied and a
Copy thereof sent to the Lower house by Mr Secretary Sewall
he returns and Says he has Delivered the same to the Lower
The house Adjourned for an hour then Sat again
Mr Burford, Mr Carvile, Mr Rousby and Major Weeks from
the Lower house with this Ensuing Paper or Letter to his

Lower house of Assembly 29th October 1683.
May it Please Your Lordship
This house having Seriously Considered Your Lordships

Speech this Day made to this house in the Upper house and

Transmitted to this house in writing are heartily Sorry that
any Expression in the Message by this house sent the 26th
Instant to the Upper house by Captain Smith, Captain Osborne
Mr Clement Hill and Mr Ennalls, should give your Lordship
any Distaste for this house did not thereby ever intend to
Impose upon Your Lordship any thing that might in any Sort
infringe the Least of your Lordships Prerogatives, Nor did
this house at any time Aim at any thing might be to your
Lordships Prejudice Your Iust Rights to your Lordship
granted by Your Lordships Charter, but having been always
most ready and willing to Consult your Lordship and the Peoples
Good and well being according to the best of their knowledge
and Abilities, In Order whereunto this house did by their
Message of the 26th Instant the rather more Earnestly desire

U. H. Journal

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 493   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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