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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 491   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 491

under their Consideration (that is to say) One directing the
Manner of Exceting and Summoning of Burgesses &c: the
other touching the Levying of Warr &t
To the first this house do say, That the Bill by them sent
though very Little Differing is more Convenient for the
Inhabitants of this Province, as this house think they cann
For the second Bill the same matter is provided for by Laws
already made which to Enact a new seems to Interfere with
that Act which Impowers the Governour and Council to make
Warr or Peace with any Indian Enimys Beyond the Bounds of
this Province as also to discharge the Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince from any Supply or Maintenance in relation to the same
Therefore this house cannot (without any further Consideration
of both houses) Concurr with the Lower house in relation to
those two Bills—
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of Assembly

The Messengers return having Delivered their Message
Mr Carvile and Capt Osborne from the Lower house with the
last Message Sent from this house, and desire to know where
that Law is for Impowering his Lordship and Council to make
Warr or Peace with any Indian Enimys beyond the Bounds of
this Province, acknowledging there was such a Law but that
the same is repealed The said Messengers go out, Mr Car-
vile returns and desires Coll Stevens Book of Laws Coll
Stevens told him he could not Spare it at present but on
Monday Morning he should have it—he goes out—

U. H. Journal

The house Adjourned till Monday Morning 9 a Clock—

Monday 29th October 1683 The house Satt again

The Right honourable the Lord Proprietary
The honourable
Coll Henry Coursey Coll William Stevens
Coll: Thomas Tailler Coll William Digges
Coll Vincent Lowe Mr Secretary Sewall
Coll Henry Darnall J Mr Sccrctaiy Darnall

Coll Darnall by Command from his Lordship and this house
goes down to the Lower house to acquaint the Speaker and
Lower house of Assembly, that his Lordships Desires them
forthwith to Attend him in this house, Coll Darnall returns
Mr Speaker and the Lower house comes into this house
where his Lordship was pleased to Speak to them as fol-
Mr Speaker & You the Gentlemen of the Lower house
You cannot but be Sensible that to Morrow it will be a full

p. 523

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 491   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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