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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 483   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 483

Mr Secretary Sewall returns having Delivered the Message
Major Weeks Capt Smith & Mr Ennalls from the Lower
house with this Message

Upper house of Assembly 24th October 1683
Your Lordships most humble and Obedient Servants the
Upper and Lower Houses of this present Generall Assembly
with all Imaginable Gratitude acknowledging Your Lordships
great Love and Affection to the Good People of this Province
Expressed in your Lordships Speech made to your two houses
at the opening of this Sessions and more particularly in Con-
veening this Assembly and Appointing your Lordships Pro-
vincial Court to be held in this place so near the Center of
your Lordships Province for the great Ease and General Con-
veniency of the Inhabitants thereof do with all Dutifull Affec-
tion hereby present to Your Lordship their most Humble and
hearty thanks; And do further pray your Lordship to Signifie
to both houses what place your Lordship Intends all future
Assemblies Provincial Courts and Offices shall be held and
kept at that they may take Speedy Course to make Provision
of Buildings fitt for the reception thereof and this house desires
the Concurrence of the Lower house therein
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower-house—

Mr Hatton and Major Long with this Message from the
Lower house.

Lower house 24th October 1683
This house having taken into Consideration the Message
sent from the Upper house the 20th of October Instant con-
cerning giving thanks to and Acceptable present to Mr Duell
Pead for preaching his Learned Sermon before the Two houses
the 14th Instant, This house do Concurr with the Upper house,
that thanks be thefore given unto him the said Mr Pead by
Mr Speaker for and in the Name of the Lower house Butt

U. H. Journal

cannot Concurr with the Upper house in giving any present
according to the aforesaid Message.
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house of Assembly

Mr Hutchins and Mr Green from the Lower house with this
other Message Vizt

Lower house 24th October 1683
This house understanding by the Paper Message this Day
brought by the Honourble Major Sewall that their Bill for
Lessening the Number and Bettering the Breed of Horses is
Rejected by the Upper house, and this house having Con-

p. 517

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 483   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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