this house intended not that fair Complyance which the present
affairs of the Province do Necessarily require; This house for
Answer do say, that as the Business of Towns was the first &
principall thing recommended by his Lordship at the Opening
of this Sessions so this house do hope that the Lower house
will shew themselves equally Desireous and Zealous for the
same and this house being fully Assured That Towns are
Judged by the Lower house to be of that great Advantage
and generall Good of this Province which this house is very
Confident they will be found to be was the reason and no
other of that Message from this house wherein it was desired
the Bill for Towns might be first Dispatcht which this house
have not yet received although there is now a full Week
passed since the first meeting of this Assembly, and as yet not
any request or desire has appeared from the Lower house of
having any Members of this house to Join in Committee for
that affair; all which gave this house some Apprehensions
that there had not been so great a progress made by the
Lower house in the Business of Towns as since appears there
has been; And now that the Lower house may be Assured of
all fair proceeding from this house, The Bill for Electing Bur-
gesses &c: has bin twice read and upon a full Debate of this
house on the same This house do return Answer; That though
the manner of Electing Delegates and Deputies and Conven-
tion of Assemblies be already Settled by his Lordships late
Ordinance yet for the better Settling the Minds of all the
good People of this Province in that particular; This house is
willing and ready to Join with the Lower house in a Bill for
Ascertaining what is already Contained in the said Ordinance
with this Alteration in the Indentures That the Delegates are to
have their power from the Electors, And that this to be further
Added that upon any Neglect of Notice to be given of the want
of any Delegates or Deputies in the Said Ordinance is directed
that then the Speaker of the Lower house may have Liberty
to Certify such want to the Secretarys for the time being who
thereupon shall cause Writt to issue out accordingly, and this
will Sufficiently Quiet and Settle the Minds of all Persons in
that Affair as this house is well assured
Signed p Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly
The said Message sent to the Lower house by Coll Burgess
Major Trueman and Mr Secretary Darnall who returne having
Delivered the Same—
Captain Hill and Mr Ennalls from the Lower house, and
desire his Lordships Ordinance concerning Election of Bur-
gesses &c and bring this Message
U. H. Journal