the Second time Price Examining Your Deponent and the
said Christopher how they Came off with Spernon Your
Deponent and the said Buttler told Price that they had bin
before a Magistrate and Cleared themselve and your De-
ponent never acknowledged to Spernon that he was a Servant
The Mark of x Simon Steynes
Sworn before us the
8th Day of Octor 1683
Nicholas Sewall
John Darnall
There was also Sworn before the Upper house the other
Servant Christor Butler and Evan Carew then a Liver in
Spernons house or very near there abouts and was present at
Spernons house that Night the said Servants were brought
thither, and went with Spernon to Prices next Morning to see
for them again, and the said Butler and Carew made oath to
the same thing and to the same Effect of the Oath of the afore-
said Steins
The house Adjourned till after Dinner
Then Sate again present as before and Major Thomas
Major Sewall goes to the Lower house for a List of
the names of the Witnesses against Jacob Young which are
Contained in the Committee Journall last Assembly of the
Impeachment of Jacob Young—
He returnes and Says the Lower house will Send the Same.
Mr Clement Hill and Doctor Brooks from the Lower house
with this Message about the said Witnesses—
At the Committee about Jacob Young October the 8th 1683
This Committee find Garrett Vansweringen a very Material
Evidence in this matter who is not here and desire he may be
Sent for—
That Joshua Doyne Thomas Pew and John Higdon are also
Witnesses and are here; and the Committee think it need full
to order their Attendance and Stay till the Tryall be Over,
The other living Evidences are Members of the Upper and
Lower houses to Witt Coll Coursey Coll LLoyd Richard Hall
Richard Hill and Francis Hutchins whose Testimony at the
Tryall is necessary
The paper Evidence, The treaty with the Indians, when Coll
Coursey went, and when Coll Coursey & Coll LLoyd went,
Youngs Confession to his Lordship and the Journall of the
U. H. Journal