U. H. Journal
Then Came Mr Frisby and Captain Johnson from the Lower
house and Desired the Ordinance Concerning Electing Bur-
gesses, they return and the Same Sent by Mr Secretary Dar-
nall who returns having Delivered the same to the Lower
Coll Stevens goes to the Lower house to know whether
they have any thing further for this house to Night if not this
house will Adjourn; He returns and Says the Lower house
will send to this house immediately
Mr Rousby and Captain Peirce from the Lower house with
his Lordships Ordinance for Electing Burgesses, And a Bill
directing the manner of Electing & Summoning Burgesses
Delegates and Representatives to Serve in Succeeding Assem-
blies, And this Message
Lower house of Assembly October the 5th 1683
This house having Considered of a Vote of the Upper house
made the last Sessions of Assembly the 7th of November
1682 and Sent yesterday to this house as also his Lordships
Instrument under the great Seal there with sent Cannot Con-
curr with the Upper house therein for these reasons—
Ist For that the best and Surest foundation whereon the
Peace of the Province Depends is in the making Good and
wholesome Laws for the Well Governmt thereof which Laws
cannot be made without the Consent of the Freemen of this
Province by their Deputies Delegates or Representatives in
Generall Assembly Assembled, and Since hitherto the form of
Assembling the said Freemen their Delegates and Deputies
hath been altogether Divers and uncertain, This house Con-
ceive that no better way can be used in this particular for the
Settling the Minds of the Freemen and reducing a Matter of
this Moment to a Certainty for the future, then to Establish the
manner of Electing and Summoning of Burgesses Delegates
and Representatives to Serve in Succeeding Assemblies by
an Act to be assented to by his Lordship and both houses of
Assembly which without their Consent in Assembly may not
be Altered or repealed—
And although all due honour and regard ought to be had to
his Lordships Ordinances, and Proclamations yet this house