Debated the Same, and shall be willing to join with his Lord-
ship and Upper house in any ways & Means that may be
thought requisite for the Promoting so great a Good, but
having before them the Matter of Towns so earnestly Recom-
mended to them by his Lordship this house cannot as yet come
to any Result thereabouts
And therefore this house doth humbly desire his Lordship
and upper house will be pleased to propose to this house what
Rule or Method Act or thing his Lordship and Upper house
Conceive Necessary to be done which may best ConDuce to
the procuring of Money and Advancement of Trade to the
Effecting whereof the Consent and Concurrence of this house
is desired
And thereupon this house shall readily reassume their
Debate thereof
Signd p Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house.
The said Message taken into Debate and Ordered this
Ensuing Message be Sent in Answer thereunto Vizt
Upper house 3 October 1683
In Answer to the Message of this Day Received from the
Lower house by Mr Hatton and Captain Smith, this house do
say that knowing the Substance thereof to be of very great
Concern to this Province and the Commerce and Trade
thereof, Do desire that the Lower house would Appoint Mem-
bers of their house to Join with Members of this house as a
Committee to Consider and Consult the matter Contained in
the said Message, and to report the method and way which
by them shall be Agreed on to the Consideration of both
Signed p. Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly
The said Message sent to the Lower house per Coll Burges
and Mr Secretary Sewall who return and say the have they
have delivered the same
The house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Nine of the
Thursday 4th October 1683
The house mett present as before and Coll Vincent Lowe
John Larkin and Richard Boughton sent Tor by the Door
keeper to appear before this house about the Court house here
in Ann Arundell County which fell Down They Appeared
and Ordered that the Clerk of the said County Capt Hauslop
bring before this house the Agreement (or the Record of it)
made about Building the same