And that Mr Clement and
goe to the Vpper for the
goe out and retu
as soone as the
the gate
This house desired to Lower house
what measures they
proceeded in the his
Lorpps person Debated
and Resolved vpon
Begining of this John LLewellin
The debate thereof ref house to morrow
Comittee for the Reviving bill come in
Mr Clement Hill & Mr Richard Hill Ordered to draw vp a
new Act about Eleccons of Delegates persuiant to the said
Vote this day past in the house—
The house adjourn'd till to morrow morning 9 a clock
Tuesday 7th November 1682
The house sate againe present as before
Then was read what was done yesterday—
All Comittees out were called in—
The Bill for directing the manner of Electing and sumoning
Burgesses Delegates and representatives to serve in succeeding
Assemblyes Read the first second & third time by speciall
Orde the house And past And sent to the vpper house