This house are w houts
That are Attorney ssembly
to morrow being the 3d mber
Tho: Grunwin
The house Adjourned
ffryday 3d
The house sate againe and prese
Then was read what was done
Capt Hill and Mr Hutching vpper house with the bill
for Advanceing the trade of Tobacco and the alteracons and
Queries therevpon and the message yesterday drawne relating
therevnto They returne and say they have delivered the
Comittee of Accompts goe out—
Coll Stevens from the Vpper house with this
Ensuing message—
Vpper house November 3d 1682.
This house have appoynted the Honoble Coll Vin: Lowe and
Coll William Burges members of this house to joyne in
Comittee with some of the members of the Lower house to
Consider of and perfect the Act for Advancement of Trade to
meete for that purpose forthwith at the house of Mrs Cordea
Signed p ordr John LLewellin
Clk of Assembly
The said Message being read It was ordered that the
Comittee first appoynted by this house to Consider of the said
Act goe out to joyne with the said 2 members of the Vpper
house to Consider and perfect the said Act—They goe out
The buisines of Jacob Young moved in the house And
therevpon this Ensuing Message sent to the Vpper house—
Lower house 3d November 1682.
This house taking notice at the opening of this Assembly
That his Lorpp was pleased to speake concerning Jacob Young
now a prisoner And having as yet nothing Comitted from his
Lorpp or the Vpper house relating