Passed under the great Seal of this Province this 17th
November 1682
Philip Calvert.
The Chancellor acquaints them that his Lordship had Com-
manded him to lett them know that his Lordship in giving his
Assent to those Laws had fully Complyed with what they
had desired of him this Sessions, and as to the Clerk of his
Councils fees for which they did not think it Convenient to
pass the Bill, his Lordship now takes himself to be at Liberty to
Settle Such fees upon the Clerk of his Council as to him Shall
Seem meet, as to Matters wholly relating to favour
The Speaker in Answer Saith that their house had not
refused the Settling the fees of the Cl of the Council by an Act
of Assembly out of any Refractoriness or humour of theirs but
had requested of the Upper house a View of a Bill by them
Drawn for that purpose the last Assembly, which they were
willing to pass without having Imposed upon them any New
The Chancellor in presence of both houses desires that as it
his Office to Seal the Laws of the Province so Soon as they
have received his Lordships Assent So he may have the Liberty
of keeping the Originals, which being Often tossed and Carried
from place to place are very much Torn and Defaced.
Ordered by his Lordship that the Originall Laws passed
every Assembly, do from henceforth and at all times hereafter
remain in the Custody of the Chanr and that Copies be drawn
for perusall of Committees or other Occasions in times of
The Chancellor at Length gives them to understand that
his Lordship had Commanded him to lett them know that he
did prorogue this Assembly till the first Tuesday in March
next And the Assembly was accordingly prorogued this 17th
Day of November 1682 Untill the first Tuesday in March next
pr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
U. H.Journal