390 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1682.
U. H. Journal
6th The said Iacob doth not remember that he said any Such
Words as that he could make the Susquehannahs or Northern
Indians do what he pleased, nor in truth can he, but if any
Such words were Spoken by him it was Occasioned by the
evill Effects of Drink, and when he was not in his right Mind.
And as to the said words he is charged with Since his Impris-
onment which are that he would be revenged upon those'that
putt those Irons upon him, he saith his intent was to take Such
Course as the Law will permitt Prisoners to have against the
Merciless cruelty of Officers and Iaylors he knowing himself
Innocent of Felony and Treason, and there being no Overt
Act by him Committed, the said Words will not make him
Guilty of either; This being the plain clear and Evident
truth of all these things which are Contained & particularly
Expressed in the Charge, he humbly referreth it to the Iudg-
p. 479
ment of Your Lordship Jn Your Upper house of Assembly
how full of Danger and Prejudice it is to give too ready an
Eare and too Easy a belief unto Reports or Testimony without
Oath, which are not of weight enough to Condemn any: He
humbly acknowledged that in his Drink he might talk with-
out the Bounds of reason yet hopeth Your Honours in Your
Iustice upon which with Confidence he putts himself will acquitt
him of and from those Misdemeanors wherewith he is Charged,
and he hopeth and will Dayly pray that for the future he shall
by Gods Grace so watch over his Actions that he shall not
give Offence to any
And Lastly the said Iacob Young humbly desires Your
Lordship and this Honourable Assembly well to Consider
(that since the Year 1676 at which time he was Sent for by
Coll Coursey and Coll Chew &c: to come into this Province
from Delaware to gather together the Susquehannah Indians,
and to encourage them to live in this Province and likewise to
procure the return of those Indians that were gone to Delaware
how many Orders and Commissions as well for treating and
making peace with the Sinniquo as the Susquehannah Indians
he hath justly and faithfully Executed & performed without
having the least Spott Blemish or Aspersion cast upon him,
which said Commissions and Orders could not be Agitated
without being friendly to and entertaining the Said Indians,
which Entertainments cannot be Accounted as a Crime, which
being Considered he hopes neither the false Aspersions of the
perfidious and faithless Indians his Enemys, nor the Causeless
fears of the weake and Naked and therfore timerous People
Shall Cause one Drop of Innocent Blood to be Spilt, or can
procure the ruin of him who with all Alacrity and Cheerfull-
ness hath so oft cast himself Naked amongst Multitudes of
Armed Merciless and faithless Indians with Great hazard of his