U. H. Journal
I 659-98
2 Lett the Act Commence from the last of August 1684
3 We Agreed to this when We sent the Act down to the
Lower house, and We will Ioin with the Lower house to Peti-
tion his Lordship that both houses may Name the Ports.
4 Tis fittest the Land be Conveyed to his Lordship for the
use of the respective Counties, but if this please not, lett the
two houses Name the Trustees; Lett the Ports Contain any
Number of Acres (not Exceeding fifty in any Port) as the
Place will Admitt If the Lands to be Appointed are to be pur-
chased lett a Writt of ad Quod Damnum issue, and what the
Jury find shall be paid to the owner by the respective Counties,
in which the Lands shall Lye if the Lands be free to be taken
up lett his Lordship be Petitioned to give the Lands upon
reasonable Rent; Lett four hundred pounds of Tobacco for
Setting out the Port and fifty pounds of Tobacco p. Lott be
the Surveyors fees Lett every Lott be half an Acre—
5 Let That Clause be Added—
6 Lett immediately be blotted out in the 33d Line
7 Lett the last Clause be struck out.
8. The Goods must be brought to place as the Scituation of
the Port will Admitt, either p. Land Vizt Cart; or in Sloops,
Boates, or Vessels by Water, Storeage Ten pounds Tobacco
p. hhd for any time not Exceeding one Year.—
9 for any Debt already Contracted, let it be paid according
to Contract, and let the Receiver bring the Goods to the Port
as the Act requires—
10th Twas never the intent of this house to Sett a side those
Signed p. Order John LLewellin Cl of Assembly.
Came Robert Jones Gent. Deputy Surveyor of Calvert
County being Admitted and by his Petition to this house Craves
Allowance of 1600lb Tobacco out of the Publick for three
Resurveys by him made in Battle Creek p. Order of this
house the last Sessions of Assembly which Petition being read
was thus Subscribed Vizt
Upper house 3 November 1682—
Lett the Petitioner make his Demands of the County for
whose Benefit the Resurveys have been made
Signed p. Order John LLewellin Cl of Assembly