350 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1682.
U. H. Journal
Agreed that it be Necessary and Convenient that Ports and
Places for Trade be made and Appointed within this Province,
and that they will tend much to the Honour Saefty and Security
of the Province and Advancement of Trade
1. That We humbly Conceive the Title of the Bill may be
better thus, An Act for Advancement of Trade, Tobacco being
too particular, and the word Trade will Comprehend all Com-
modities whatsoever—
2d That We Conceive the time Limitted for Ships and
Vessels to putt on Shoar and unlade at such Ports and Places
is too Short, and that instead of those words from & after the
10th of October 1683 it will be better to say from and after the
last Day of August 1684 & likewise that the Act be Amended
in that Particular, in the 19th 30th & 31st lines of the Bill—
3d And where it is said in the 12th Line of the said Bill at
such place or places only as shall be Appointed by his Lord-
ship, The Committee humbly Offer it to the Consideration of
this house, whether it will not be Necessary that his Lordship
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be Moved, that he would take the Advice of this house, or the
Commissioners of the respective Counties, before the said Ports
or places be by his Lordship Appointed, To the End there
may be such and so may Ports and Places Convenient in each
County as may Suit with the Conveniency of the Inhabitants of
Each respective County
4th That after the Ports and Places are appointed as afore-
said, Some Rule or Establishment may be appointed in the
said Act, how, by whom, in whose Name, and for whose use
such places shall be purchased, what Quantity of Acres and
how to be Divided, and what evey man must pay for his Divi-
dend and Settle the Surveyors fees for laying out the whole
and Making Divisions—
5th The Committee thinks fitt that this Proviso be Added
after the End of the 26th Line after the Word Notwithstanding
Provided that Nothing in this Act Contained shall restrain or
be Construed to Restrain or hinder any of the Inhabitants of
this Province with any the Goods or Merchandizes bought at
any the Ports or Places aforesaid, or with Goods and Mer-
chandizes by them Purchased or Imported and Landed at any
the Ports or places aforesaid to buy and purchase at their own
and other Plantations out of the said Ports or Places Necessary
Provisions of Meat and Drink for themselves & families and
not otherwise any thing in this Act before Contained to the
Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding
6th The Committee Conceive the Word immediately in the
33d Line were better to be left out.
7th The Committee humbly Conceive the last Clause in the
said Bill ought to be left out for that they think it Necessary