This house do offer; That Twelve Men with a Captain and
one other Officer at the Election of his Lordship is a Con-
venient Guard for the Purpose aforesaid according to said
That the Captain of such Guard be Allowed 12000 lb of To-
bacco p Annum out of the Publick Levy the other Officer
10000lb of Tobacco and every private Centinell 8000 lb of
Which although it may some what Exceed the Ordinary
Allowance made by Act of Assembly for Troopers yet Con-
sidering the Quality they Serve in; and that it will be Decent
and Absolutely Necessary that they should be more than Ordi-
narily well Accoutred this house think the same but a reason-
able Allowance and thereto Desire the Concurrence of the
Lower house.
Signed p. Order John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Adjourn for an hour.
Upper house mett again according to Adjournment
Present as before—
And Adjourn till to Morrow Morning Eight of the Clock—
October the 31: 1682 Upper house mett
The Honourable
Philip Calvert Esqr Chanr Coll: William Stevens
Coll Thomas Tailler Coll: William Digges
Coll Henry Coursey Coll: William Burges
Coll Henry Darnall J Major Nicholas Sewall