Assembly Entituled an act for marcking high waies & makeing
the heads of Rivers Creeks branches & swamps passable for
horse & foot One other act made the same Assembly Entituled
an act for stay of Execucons aftr apprill Covrt, One act made
at a Genll Assembly held at St Maries the thirteenth day of
Aprill One thousand six hundred seaventy & foure Entituled
an Act Concerning the Impannelling the grand Inquest in the
severall Covntys wthin this Province One other act made the
same Assembly entituled an act for the Survr Genlls ffees wth
addicon of fees upon Resurveys & Leavying the same, One
other act made the same Assembly entituled an act for the
paymt of fees due from Criminall psons One other act made
the same Assembly Entituled an Act Concerning those ser-
vants tht have Bastards, One other act made the same
Assembly Entituled an act agst burners of Fences, One other
Liber W. H.
act made the same Assembly Entituled an act phibiting all
Masters of Shipps or Vessells or other psons from transporting
or Carrying away any pson or psons out of this Province wthout
passess One act made at A Genll Assembly held at St Maries
the twelfth day of Febry One thousand six hundred seaventy
& foure, Entituled an act what shall be allowed to Grand Jurys
tht are sumoned twice a yeare out of the body of the Province
to attend Provll Co-vrts, One other act made at a Genll
Assembly held at St Maries the fifteenth day of May One
thousand six hundred seaventy & six Entituled an Act for
securing Merchts & others tobbs aftr they have received it, One
other act made the same Assembly Entituled an act relateing
to the seisure of tobb by the Sherriff, One other act made the
same Assembly Entituled an act for the Publicacon of Mar-
riages, One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an
act relateing to servants & Slaves, One other act made the
same Assembly Entituled an act touching Coopers & Gage of
tobb hhds One other act made the same Assembly Entituled an
act for the easemt of the Inhabitants of this Province in suites
at Lawe for small debts One other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act for the Constables takeing the
List of Taxables One other act made the same Assembly
Entituled an act agst the importacon of Convicted psons into
this Province One other act made the same Assembly En-
tituled an Act for securing Creditors One act made at A
Genll Assembly held at St Maries the twentieth day of Octobr
One thousand six hundred seaventy & Eight Entituled an act
for Regulateing Ordinarys & Limitting the number of them
wthin this Province One other act made the same Assembly
Entituled an Act for Eleccon of Sherriffes, One other Act En-
tituled an Act for the better Administracon of Justice in the
Covnty Covrts of this Province One other act made the same
p. 246