severall & Respective Comrs of the severall & Respective :
Covnty Covrts within this Province where the sd pson psons
soe makeing or Causeing to be made such Linnen & woollen
Cloath as aforesd shall dwell & Reside, for every yd of Linnen
Cloath so to be made as aforesd being three quarters of a yd
broad at the Least, the sume of six pounds of tobb and for
every yd of woollen Cloath so to be made as aforesd being
three quarters of a yd broad at the Least, the sume of ten
pounds of tobb to be raised & payed to the pson & psons
makeing or Causing to be made such Linnen or woollen
Cloath as aforesd in manner & forme as herein is sett downe
& expressed that is to say, every pson or psons Inhabiting
within this Province that shall make it sufficiently appeare
to the Comrs of the Respective Covnty Covrts where he or
they shall live or reside tht he or they have made or Caused
to be made & woven in the same Covnty of the groth &
manufacture of this Province any quanty of Linnen or Woollen
Cloath of the breadth aforesd either by pducing the same to
the Comrs of the sd severall & Respective Covnty Covrts in
their Covrts sitting or to any other pson or psons by them the
sd Comrs from time to time for tht purpose to be appointed or
by any other sufficient proof or testamony by the sd severall &
Respective Covnty Covrts to be appointed & allowed of, shall
deliver to the Clk of the Respective Covnty Covrts where he
or they shall Inhabit as aforesd a pticular of the quanty of yds of
Linnen or Woollen Cloath by him or them made & woven, or
Caused to be made & woven as aforesd of the breadth aforesd
wlh the time when the same was made & woven, & by whom
Liber W. H.
the same was so made & woven, wch sd Clk of such Covnty
Covrt shall wthout any fee or reward to be pd or demanded for
the same, as well Cause an entry to be made of the same in
the Record Book of the sd Covnty Covrt as also at the laying
of the next Covnty Covrt Leavy shall prsent to the Comrs then
prsent A List of the psons names tht have made such Cloath
of the breadth aforesd & the quantys thereof entered as aforesd
& the said Comrs of the sd Respective Covnty Covrts aforesd
shall Cause to be Leavyed by an equall Assessmt upon the
Inhabitants of the sd Covnty for every yd of Linnen Cloath
made & Woven as aforesd of the breadth aforesd six pounds
of Tobb & for every yd of Woollen Cloath made & Woven
aforesd of the breadth aforesd ten pounds of tobb to be pd to
the ptys the true Owner or Owners of such Linnen or woollen
Cloath. as aforesd this act to endure for three yeares & no
An act for Encovragemtof Sowing & Makeing
Hemp & Flax wthin this Province—
Bee it Enacted by the Rtt HonohIe the Ld Propry by & wth the
p. 243