to the Country land at St Maryes, acquaintes this howse, that
their is but eleaven acres of land taken up out of the whole
100 Acres, and that this howse may take up three or foure
acres that is not already Surveyed in any pt of the Towne but
if that wr so taken up be to lay to the State howse,
upon the account of Ordinary therein, The Gournor &
upp howse will never consent the howse shalbe put
to any other use then for Courts & assemblyes for
that purpose & no other, was it they desired Chimneys to
They Retorne.
Ordered th be sent to the upp howse to desire their
concurrence in the amendmt Officers ffees as shalbe
agreed on by both
The howse urnes whilst to morrow morning nine
a clock
The Ist November
The howse called all prsent Except absent as before
L. H. Journal
Mr Stone & Coll Wells
for Officers ffees the
Mr Hall & Capt they Retorne.
Then did Consideracon
& voted by the publique
leavy toward
An Act ovince for the
better security
Came M with this pap
This howse Motion of the
Lower howse called together at this
time, and wch given them in Charge
by the Governor in that the nonconcurrence
of this howse with some howse more Especially
in the bill for Electing Dele messages concerning
the Country land at the Citty cawsed such their slow
motion in the Cheif busines given them in Charge and being
willing to remove all obstacles & to Encourage the Lower
howse to proceed more Cheerefully & Dilligently in matters of
greater importance This howse are willing to Resume their
debate & to comply with the desire of the Lower howse in
leaving out the word seated of the bill for electing Delegates
&c And the Govrnor is also willing to gratefy the Lower
howse with parting with one acre of land wch he hath adjoyn-
ing to the State howse, if the same may be serviceable or of any
use to the Country. And as for the desire of the Lower howse
in enlarging the Comissions of the County Courts
touching a Magazeene in Every County this howse doe
Repeate that they h ower so to doe, without the con-
p. 34