Assembly in that Case Provided, This House therefore Humbly
request his Lordship will be pleased to Send such Officers as
his Lordship shall think fitt to Search the said Ship and make
Seizure of the Said Skins, and if his Lordship shall see Cause
the said Watts the Commander his Doctor and Boatswaine or
any others to appear before his Lordship to Discover the truth
of the matter aforesaid—
Signed pr Order Tho Grunwin Cl of the Lower house.
His Lordship in Presence Signifying his Consent this house
return answer as followeth Vizt His Lordship will command
the Ship to be Searched, and if any Skins found Seizure to be
made accordingly as desired—
Signed pr Order John LLewellin Cl of the Assembly—
Which together with the Three foregoing Bills passed this
house this Day Sent to the Lower house pr Coll Stevens; Coll:
Stevens returns from the Lower house
To the Honourable the Lord Proprietary of Maryland, and to
the Honourable and Worshipfull the Upper & Lower houses
of this Assembly
The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Calvert County
Humbly Sheweth