psons Concerned, neuer Required had or Receiued the same
or shall doe any matter or thing directly or indirectly contrary
to the true intent & meaneing of the said seuerall acts shall
Loose & forfeite the seuerall penaltys in the said seuerall Acts
to bee sued & Recovered in such mannr as in the said seuerall
acts is sett forth & declared, Provided that this act nor any
thing therein Contained shall not bee Construed taken or
adjudged to debarr or hinder any pson or psons wtsoeuer from
prosecuteing any action already Comenced or heereafter to bee
Comenced for breach of either of the said acts, & the Recovery
of the penaltys already incurred any thing heerein Contained
to the Contrary notwithstanding, Provided alsoe that noe suite
or action heereafter to bee Comenced for breach of this prsent
act or either of the aforesaid acts shall bee Comenced prose-
cuted or sued after Two yeares after the end of this prsent
sessions of Assembly or after Two yeares after the Cause of
Private act past.
An Act for Confirmeing the title of a pcell of Land in Calvert
County in Samuell Houldsworth & his Heires against Edward
Husbands & his Heires foreuer./