An Act for the Repeale of certain Laws also passed
November the 12th 1681 Upper house have Assented
John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Sent to the Lower house who are desired to Expedite their
Business by one a Clock at what time his Lordship will be
ready to receive them and also to Demand of them the Sup-
plementary Act to the Acts for Limitation of Officers fees that
the Same may be read in this house to pass their Assent
Upper house November the 12th 1681
This house upon Application to them made by Mr Iacob
Leslier (by whom was presented) to both houses the last Ses-
sions of Assembly a Petition Do desire the Lower house with
whom the Petition was Lodged, to make enquiry for and take'
the Same afresh into their Consideration the Petitioner himself
being now present and ready to Satisfy both houses in what
may be proposed unto him
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly
The same Delivered to Mr Leslier and Coll: Darnall Desired
to go with him to the Lower house of Assembly
A Message from the Lower house by Capt Brandt, and Capt
Trippe being a Supplementary Act to the Acts for Limitation
of Officers fees passed the Lower house Vizt
November the 12th 1681
The Lower house have Assented C Boteler Cl Asst of the
Lower house of Assembly.
The Same read in this house, also this following Message
Lower house of Assembly November the nth 1681.
This house do Vote that 15 pr Cent and no more be
Allowed in this Province for any Damages for Bills of Ex-
change returned Protested into this Province from England or
any other Part of Europe & here Sued with Costs of Suit
And that the Concurrence of the Upper house be Desired
thereto, and that this Vote may be Recorded in the Iournal of