Sessions and shall not be able to give any further Answer to
the Bill relating to the Land Office
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly—
Sent to the Lower house by Coll: Darnall & he returns again
to this house
A Petition preferred to this house by Garratt Vansweringen
for further Allowances being cutt of great part of his Account
thus Endorsed Vizt
Upper housp November the 10th 1681
This Petition is Recommended to the further Consideration
of the Lower house, this house Judging it no ways honourable
for a whole Country to receive a Mans goods and then Allow
him what Rates they Please but do rather conceive it a fairer
way first to Contract for the Rates or have them Settled by
Order of both houses at first Meeting, So to be at a Certainty,
then to make Such Defalcations at last without Consideration
had to the Difference in Quality of Commodities Besides the
Petitioner is no Ordinary keeper and may Sett what Rates he
pleases upon his goods as Merchants use to Do
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly.
A Message from the Lower house pr Mr Hosier, Captain
Trippe, Capt Waterton, and Mr Garratt Vizt
Lower house of Assembly Novr the 10th 1681
This house taking into their Consideration the last Message
from the Upper house of the 10th Instant, as it stands in
Relation to the Conference on the Eighth Instant and the
Message of the Upper house and Our Answer thereon, on the
9th, Do say that this house had in Complyance with the Upper
house Appointed a Committee to Compare the List of Tem-
porary Laws Sent from the Upper house with the former Acts
Ascertaining and Revivall of Laws, and to that End sent for
the Book of Laws Yesterday and had Answer it should be
Sent Presently, Sent another Message in the afternoon and
had Answer the Clerk should bring it, upon which we waited
till towards Night, and then seeing the Day spent the Book
not brought, and Intimation given by Captain Digges that his
Lordship intended this Day for the Day of Sessions made this