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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 233   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, November 1-12, 1681. 233

upon Resurveys and for Levying the Same Made at St Maries
the 13th of April 1674.
An Act concerning Taxable Persons Made the same
An Act for Securing Merchants and others Tobacco after
they have received it Made at St Maries the 15th Day of May

November the 8th 1681.
The Upper house taking the severall Temporary Laws into
their Consideration and finding that the Committee appointed
for Drawing the Act for reviving certain Laws within this
Province have proceeded carelessly in it. Omitting to Name
Diverse Laws; which by the implicite words of the said Law
do stand revived and leaving two Laws in force concerning
Taxable Persons, and two Laws likewise in force against Hog-
stealers, and by their Dilatory proceedings putting of the same
Law till the very last hours of the Assembly; So that the two
houses had no time to Consider the said Act as the weight of
the Affair required the Indian Enemy pressing hard upon us
and by that Means forced Diverse Members of both Houses
to repair to their Military Commands have Caused a List of
the Temporary Laws which stand Revived to be made & to
this Annext, and do Vote these Laws and no others Laws of
this Province contained in the Book of Laws, now fairly Tran-
scribed and not Since the Transcribing repealed with his Lord-
ships Assent, being Perpetuall Laws, So to remain till by the
two houses with the Assent of his Lordship under the great
Seal they or any of them shall be repealed and ought not to
have been inserted in any reviving Law, they never having
been repealed nor never made Temporary, and this house
desire the Lower house to Join with them in taking away One
of the Laws for Taxables, and the first part of the Law against
Hogstealers, the two first Offences being now Tryable and
Punishable in the County Courts in another Manner than in
the said Act against Hogstealers is Provided
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly.

An Act for reviving and Confirming certain Laws is inserted
only for this Reason because thereby are implicitely revived
the last Recited Seven Temporary Laws, The said Act being
of no other use whatsoever, And therefore it is desired that
the said Seven Acts may be included in One Law with the
rest of the Temporary Acts, to the End that no farther use
may be made of the said last reviving Act,
Signed pr Order as above Iohn LLewellin
Cl of Assembly.

U. H. Journal

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 233   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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