Liber W. H.
same Assembly, entituled an act touching Coopers & the gage
of Tob Hoggsheads, one other Act made the same Assembly,
entituled an Act for Easmt of the Inhabitants of this Province
in suites of Law for finall debts, one other Act made the
same Assembly, entituled an Act for the Constables takeing a
List of the Taxables, one other act made the same Assembly
entituled an Act agt the Importacon of Convicted persons into
this Province, one other act made att the same Assembly
entituled an Act secureing Creditors one other act made att a
genll ssessions of Assembly held att St Marys the Twentieth
day of Octobr one Thousand six hundred seauenty & Eight,
entituled an act for the Regulateing Ordinarys & Limiting the
number of them within this Province, one other Act made the
same Assembly, entituled an Act for eleccon of Sherriffes one
other Act made att the same Assembly entituled an act for the
better Admstracon of Justice in the County Courts, one other
Act made the same Assembly entituled an Act for appeales
& Regulateing Writts of Error one other Act made att the
same Assembly entituled an Act for appeales & Regulateing
Writts of Error one other Act made att the same Assembly
entituled an act for keepeing a Register of Births Marriages &
burialls in each Respectiue County, one other Act made the
same Assembly entituled an Act Imposeing a penalty on all
such who shall dispose of Tob seized & Reced by the Sherriffe
& others, one other act made att the same Assembly, entituled
p. 185
an act for Reviveing and Confirmeing Certaine Laws in this
Province, one other act made att an Assembly begunn & held
att St Marys the Tenth day of October one Thousand and six
hundred seauenty & one entituled an act for explanacon of one
Clause in an Act prohibiting the Importacon of all Horses
Mares Geldings, & Colts into this Province with an Addiccon
& Amendmts therein, the same acts & euery of them bee &are
heereby Revived & Confirmed to stand in full force & vertue,
for & dureing the Terme of Three yeares or to the end of the
next Genll Assembly, wch shall ffirst happen./
Private acts paste viz'
An act for the naturalizacon of Peter ffowcate & Cornel: Boys.
An act for the naturalizacon of Peter Ouldson & Lewis
And therefore wee Comand thee that these Laws & euery
article in them Contained att the vsuall places in the County
you cause to bee proclaimed & published & fimely to bee
kept Witnesse ourselfe att our Citty of St Marys the Seauen-
teenth day of Septembr in the sixth yeare of our dominion
&c. Annoqr dom 1681.
P: Calvert Canc.