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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 214   View pdf image
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214 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

Liber W. H.

Authority aforesaid that the aforesaid sumes of Tob, amount-
ing in the whole to the sume of ffiue hundred fforty seaven
Thousand six hundred & sixty pds of Tob, bee Leavied &

p. 183

Assessed by an equall Assessment vpon the persons & estates
of the Inhabitants of this Province, & bee paid to the seuerall
persons to whome the same is due according to the accots
& disbursemts & neccessary Charges of this Province, which
haue beene examined stated & allowed by the vpper &
Lower houses of this prsent Genll Assembly, any Law Statute
vseage or Custome to the Contrary thereof in any wise

An Act for revlveing of certaine Laws

within this Province.

ffor as much as many good & wholsome Laws haue beene
made within this Province, which being Temporary will of
themselues expire if not Revived & Continued by this prsent
Genll Assembly, Bee itt therefore enacted by the Right Hon-
ourable the Lord Propry by & with the advice & Consent of
the vpper & Lower houses of this prsent Genll Assembly &
the Authority of the same, that one Act made att a Genll As-
sembly begunn & held the Seauen & Twentieth day of Aprill,
one Thousand Six hundred ffifty & Eight, entituled an Act for
Advancemt of Childrens estates, one other Act made att a
Genll Sessions of Assembly held att St Johns the Seauenteenth
of Aprill one Thousand six hundred sixty one entituled an Act
Concerning the heith of ffences, one other Act made att the
same Assembly entituled an act Concerning the Conveyance
of Letters, one other Act made att a Sessions of Assembly
held att St Marys the ffirst day of Aprill one Thousand six
hundred sixty & Two entituled an Act Concerning Indians
one other act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the
ffifteenth day of Aprill one Thousand Six hundred Sixty &
Three, entituled an Act Prohibiting arrests vpon Sabboth dayes,
one other act made att the same Assembly entituled an Act
for Amercemts in the Provll & County Courts, one other Act
made att the same Assembly entituled an Act Concerning
Proceedings att Law, one other act made att a Genll Sessions
of Assembly held att St Marys the Tenth day of Aprill one
Thousand six hundred sixty & six entituled an Act Prohibit-
ing any Trade wth Indians for any fflesh except deere & Wild
fowle, one other Act made att the same Assembly Entituled
an Act Prohibiting fforreigne Ingrossers, one other Act made
att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the Thirteenth day of
Aprill one Thousand six hundred sixty & nine, entituled an

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 214   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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