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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 212   View pdf image
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212 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

Liber W. H.

Egg & to Wm Mishne each one hundred & ffifty pds of Tob.
to Tho: Deakins drumer Two Thousand pds of Tob, to Geo:
Watts Eight hundred pds of Tob, to Calvert County Three
Thousand six hundred pds of Tob. to Tho: Marshall one hun-
dred pds of Tob, to Mich: Ashford Three hundred pds of Tob,
to John Court one Thousand ffiue hundred pds of Tob, to John
Wilder Thirty nine pds of Tob, to Chr: Kerkly, to ffran: Mason,
to Wm Nicholas, to Nich: Berline, to Hen: Reynolds, to John
Browne, to John Cuningham, to John Eastwood, to Wm Pad-
dison, to Wm Randford, to Tho: Tailor, to Wm Porteene to
Steph: Mekin, to Hen: Goodricke, to Olliver Hartchford,
to Ja: Greene, to Chr: Murrell, to John Hambleton to Jno
Lamrin, to Wm Roberts, to Jer: Sewall, to Humph: Edwards,
to Hen: Robbins to Geo: Late, to Chr: Murrell, to Jno Ham-
bleton, to Peter Williams, to Phillipp Mason, to Phi: Combes,
to Wm Herbert, to Ja: Bayley, to John Browne & to Hen:
Goodricke each Thirty pds of Tob. to John Charles Cashee
seauenty Eight pds of Tob. to Ja: Smallwood seauenty ffiue pds
of Tob, to Capt Rand: Brandt Nine Thousand Three hundred
pds of Tob, to Ltt Geo: Godfrey Three Thousand Two hun-
dred pds of Tob. to Robt Middleton ffour Thousand ffiue hun-
dred pds of Tob, to Thomas Shuttleworth Two Thousand ffour
hundred pds of Tob, to Jno Reddishe one Thousand pds of
Tob, to John Godshall to John Wood & Robt Thompson each
Two Thousand one hundred pds of Tob, to Wm Williams one
Thousand nine hundred pds of Tob, to Ja: Wheeler, to Wm
Wells, to Geo: Groues, to ffra: Harrison, to Edwd ffranner, to
Jno Lambert, to Wm Newman, to Richard Duraden, to Wm
Ward, to Hen: Adams, to Wm Hatch, to Wm Hatton, to ffran:
Sheffeild, to Elionr Beane, to Lawrence Young, to Jno Conney, to
ffran: Chumney, to Rich: Harrison, to Phi: Lynes, to Jno Gourty,
to Alex: Standish, to Humph: Jones, to Edwd Abbott, to Jo:
Manning to Rich: Hodgson to Tho: Crackson, to Kenelm
Mackloughlin to Rich: New, to Adam Boucher to Mathew
Dike, to Ralph Bartlett to Robt Potts, to Leiwes Jones to Math:
Herman, to Nich: Cooper, to John Hawkins, to Geo: Guest, to
Jno Smallwood to Cornelius Maddox, & to Jo: Woolfe each of
them one Thousand Eight hundred pds of Tob, to Wm Theo-
balds, to Tho: Hussy, to Jno Barker, to Tho: Hargus, & to
Alex: Smith each of them one Thousand six hundred pds of

p. 182

Tob To John Lambert, & to Capt Rand: Brandt, each Six hun-
dred pds of Tob, to Tho: Dauis One Thousand ffiue hundred
pds of Tob, to Willm Smith, to ffra: Goodricke, to John Cor-
nish, & to Richard Hodgson each of them one Thousand Two
hundred pds of Tob, to James Delahay Nine hundred pds of
Tob, to Anth: Neale one Thousand Two hundred pds of Tob,
to Tho: Clipsham one hundred & ffifty pds of Tob, to Wm ffrost

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 212   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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