thinges relateing in the said Act to the marriage of Negroes
with ffreeborne women & theire Issue are firme & valid
according to the true intent & purport of the said Act vntill
this prsent time of the Repeale thereof, any thing in this Act
to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
An Act for preventing vexacous and
vnneccessary suites att Law.
Whereas diuerse & Sundry persons within this Province
Contracting debts by accot with mrchants & others for which
they stand & Remaine onely debtors vpon theire said Bookes
of Accots the which though they are honestly & well disposed
to pay the same vpon demand ffirst had & Required of the
said debt by the said Creditors or other person Lawfully
authorized to Receiue the same without which itt is Impossible
for the said debtors to knowe where or to whom to pay the
said debt, yett seuerall of the said Creditors through a vexa-
tious & Avaritious humor doe dayly Comence theire suites att
Law agt such theire debtors without any demand of such theire
debts of theire said debtors whereby the said debt is much
Increased & the said debtor thereby greately burthened & Im-
pouerished by meanes of such theire vexatious & vnjust suites
in Law, Bee itt therefore enacted by the Lord Propry by &
with the advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower houses of
this prsent Assembly & the Authority of the same that from &
after the Twentieth day of decembr next, noe person whatsoeuer
his Executors or Admrs Liueing or Tradeing into this Province
shall for any debt due or oweing to him by accot vpon Booke
or otherwise, & for which the debtor hath not past his hand &
seale to such his Creditor shall sue or Implead att Law such
debtor for any such debt Contracted as aforesaid, & not vnder
hand & Seale of such debtor aforesaid vnlesse hee shall ffirst
demand and Requier the same of the said debtor in the County
where hee shall inhabitt, if att his Habitacon, & if not, then by
leaueing a noate vnder the hand of such Creditor or those hee
shall Impower to Receiue the same, what time & to whome
Liber W. H.
the same shall bee paid, And if therevpon the same bee not
accordingly paid then itt shall & may bee Lawfull for the said
Creditors to sue & Implead such debtor for the said debt, &
Recouer agt him all such Costs & damages as vpon Legall
Tryall in any Court of this province shall bee adjudged agt
him & in Case any person shall sue or implead any such his
debtor as aforesaid, Contrary to this Act, hee shall loose all his
Costs of such suite, & bee Liable to satisfy such his debtor all
such damages as shall accrue vnto the said debtor by such his
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