Signed pr Order of the Lower house
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly
Upper hous of Assembly Sepr 17th 1681
Jn Answer to the last Humble Address of the Lower house
to his Lordship his Lordship hath Commanded this house to
Signifie to the Lower house that During his Lordships Stay or
Residence within this Province himself in Person will before
the Conclusion of any Sessions of Assembly Signifie his Assent
or Disassent to what Laws shall pass that Sessions, and for the
future in his Absence out of this Province doth promise and
engage that within Eighteen Months after the passing of any
Laws of this Province by the Upper and Lower houses of
Assembly his Lordships Assent or Disassent thereunto shall
be published within this Province, which he hopes may Suf-
ficiently Satisfy the Minds and Desires of the Lower house
without pressing any further inconveniency upon his Lordship
which with Safetie he can in no wise Concede unto—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Clk of Assembly—
Taken into Debate the Bill Entituled an Act for Payment of
all Such Charges as may arise this Present year 1681 &c.
Moved whether it may not be more proper and Safe for his
Lordship to stand to the Vote of the Lower house of the 10th of
September fol 63 for his Managing the Warr (if any) with the
Northern Indians or to the passing the Act aforesaid—
Voted in the Affirmative and that the Same be underwritten
the said Message of the Lower house (vizt)
Upper house September the 17th 1681
This house readily Concurr with the Above Vote—
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewillin Cl of Assembly—
The foregoing Message of this house in Answer to the
Lower house's Address is Sent to them by Coll: Darnall, and