ince &t which Orders that the Charges of Such Warr, Shall be
paid and Discharged by a Publick Levy by an Equall Assess-
ment upon the Taxables of this Province by the Consent of the
Freemen of the Province by their Representatives in Generall
Assembly & no otherwise
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Asst of the Lower house of
Upper house September the 16th 1681.
This house being Informed that the Emperor of Pisscatta-
way is coming or Sending down to his Lordship, Desire the
Speedy Answer of the Lower house to the Paper Sent them
yesterday, Desiring the Opinion of that House whether they
ought to be protected now that the Northern Indians have
Murdered Some People in this Province and are Become Our
Enemies as well as theirs
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Sent to the Lower house per Col Lowe he return again
into this House—
A Message from the Lower house pr Capt Brandt & Mr
Smith Vizt
Lower house of Assembly Sepr the 16th 1681.—
To the Message brought this Day by Col Lowe to this house
from the Upper house Desiring to Consult this house about
the Protection of the Pisscattaway Indians, this house do say
that they have left the Affair of Warr or Peace in Relation to
the Northern Indians to his Lordships Sole Conduct and Man-
agement and therefore think it inconvenient and improper for
this house to be Consulted about any Mediums or Circum-
stances thereof the matter of the Protection of the said Jndians
having Considerable relation thereunto
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Asst of the Lower house of
House Adjourns till to Morrow Nine a Clock—
Upper house mett September the 17th 1681
The Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
The Chancellor
The honourable. The Survr Genl Coll Coursey
Coll: Darnall Coll: Stevens