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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 148   View pdf image
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148 Assembly Proceedings, A ugnst—September 1681.

U. H. Journal

September the 3d 1681 the Upper house Mett

The Chancellor
The Secretary Col Tailler
The Sur Genl Col Stevens
Col Coursey Capt Digges

Col Coursey and Col Stevens are sent to the Lower house
to let them know that they are ready to Ioin with the Mem-
bers of their house Appointed for the Committee of Accounts—
They return again into their own house—
Col Burgess comes from the Lower house to acquaint this
house that they were ready to go out upon the Committee of
Col Coursey and Col Stevens go to Ioin with them—
Sent to the Comittee of Accounts pr these
following Papers
Mr Hutchins Dorchester County for a Boate & hands 6 Days
Thomas Hudson Dorchester County for 400ll Bacon prest
by Major Taylor
Iohn Hance Ann Arundell County for 390ll of Beef.—
Captain Ladd Account, of what Press, in that County—
Francis Collier for 375ll of Beef, a Steer & Ninian Beale for
140ll of Pork one Hogg—
Ninian Beales List of Men under his Command at the
Western Branch 1678 to whom a Mo: pay Due:
Robert Webb for Steer 414ll prest by William Kent—
John Blomfields Account 400ll Tobacco to Captain Camp-
bells Soldiers
Captain Campbells List of Soldiers at St Maries Guard 1679.
Iohn Dent for Bridle and Saddle lost at Susquehannah Fort.
Iohn Brookes St Maries County for a Bridle and Saddle lost
at Susquehannah Fort
Marmaduke Semme for 25"Dryed Beef and 30ll Baccon—
Edward Evans St Maries County for 14 Days Service at the
Susquehannah Fort under Captain Slye—
Capt Stansbys Pet. & Cert, from Commrs of Baltimore
County for the use of Richard Symmons Daughter—
Thomas Kersey Charles County Pet. for Maintenance being
Cripled in the Susquehannah Warr—
Evan Iones Charles County Pet for Do for Ditto Account—
John Larkin Account 1010ll Tobacco for Soldiers Expences
Col Burgess Account of Troopers Anno 1679 under Lieu-
tenant Francis—
George Cowley petition for pay for two Horses one 20
Days out and the other 14 to pursue and take Davis—
Captain Cowleys List of Men.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 148   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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