U. H. Journal
August the 29th 1681.
Emanuel Ratcliffe Examined Saith that Iames Tarleton who
was a Servant to Waughob told him that Thomas Courtney
had forewarned the Miller from going to Church, and the
Miller said he would never go to Church so long as he had an
hour to Serve & they that did had best look to it—
He likewise Confesses that he Reported that Plimmouth
Dublin and Killkenny was Burnt—
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Cheseldyne &
Francis Billingsley they Desire, that Since there is not an
Officer Appointed them, their Priviledges therein being yet in
Dispute, they Desire this house will appoint some Person to go
for Vansweringen; This house let them know they will take
care to send for him They return again into their own house
The Door keeper of this house is Sent for Vansweringen
Mr Vansweringen is called into the house & his Deposition
taken Vizt
Mr Garrat Vansweringen Sworn saith that on Saturday last
in the Afternoon he came by the Mullberry Tree where he Dis-
coursed with one of the Burgesses about Repairing the house
for the Committee to Sitt in and when he was going Mr
Richard Hall called to him having in his Company Mr Frisby
and Col Wells (as the Deponent thinks) and Said you must
give us an Account of what the Upper house or the Council
one of them (but which the Deponent is not certain) hath
Spent at your House this Assembly till Yesterday Morning,
(which was Friday) The Deponent Answered he could not do it
without asking leave of my Lord or Some of the Council for that
he knew not whether my Lord might not pay their Expences
himself, Mr Hall replyed, No not so Neither, we would not have
You Speak to them of it, But give it to us, without that; The
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Deponent Told him he would not do it without the Advice of
my Lord or his Council—Mr Hall then again said it must come
before us at last, and We desire only the Total Sum and not
the Particulars the Deponent said he could not do it and So
left them—
G: Vansweringen
Juravit 29: Augt 1681 Philip Calvert—
The above Deposition Sent to the Lower house pr Col Dar-
nall who is to acquaint them that this house desires them to
take good Notice of the Word, must, Col Darnall having
Delivered his Message accordingly returns again into this
Adjourn till to Morrow Morning Nine a Clock