Sent to the Lower house together with Holdsworths Bill
and Petition pr Col Tailler—
He returns and the house adjourns to the Arbour
August the 27th 1681—Upper house Mett.
The Chancellor Col Tailler
Surveyor Genl Col Darnall
Upper house August the 27th 1681.
This house desire to know the result of the Lower house
whether they intend to give his Lordship that Satisfaction
which he Expected from them in the Seclusion of Captain Iohn
Coode from Sitting as a Member in their House untill Such
time as he shall have Purged himself at the Provincial Court
from what is laid to his Charge, till when this house think not
Convenient to Ioin with the Lower house in any Business—
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of the Assembly
Mr Carvile from the Lower house desires the Book of Laws
which was Answered should be Sent them by a Member of
this house—
The Book of Lawes together with the above Messages is
Sent to the Lower house by Col Lowe who having Delivered
the same returns again into this house—
Col Lowe is desired to go to the Lower house and shew
them the Deposition of the Honourable William Calvert Esqr
taken in this house before the Honourable the Chancellor this
Day, and hath in charge also to acquaint them with what his
Lordship had Commanded him to Communicate to the
Speaker of this house and to bring with him the Deposition
back to this house Acquainting them that if they do desire it,
they may have a Copy sent them The said Deposition is not
intended to be sent them as an Accusation Col Lowe having
Delivered his Message accordingly returns and brings with
him the Deposition as followeth—
The Honourable William Calvert Esqr saith that going a
Board My Lords Yacht in St Maries River, then Commanded
by Captain Iohn Coode (the said Coode having taken Prison-
ers Mr William Pressly and Mr Garrett Vansweringen) the
said William Calvert Esqr Demanded them to be Surrendered
up Saying that he did Believe he the said Coode had not
Commission to take his Captain Lieutenant whereupon the
said Coode replyed he cared not a fart for him the said William
Calvert Esqr, Whereupon the said William Calvert Esqr told
him that there was both the Chancellor and himself his Supe-
rior Officer next to the Governor, Coode Answered again that