Paper sent this Morning by Mr Carvile &c. and Desire the
Lower house not to Swerve from what they have done and is
Recorded, and We Dare promise them that they shall ever
find his Lordship kind on every Occasion that may not Dis-
honour his Lordship nor Upper house nor Destroy their own
Signed pr Order—
pr J LLewellin Clerk of Assembly—
Which being drawn from or rather an Abstract of his Lord-
ships Letter was after Debate in this House Voted to be sent
as an Answere from this house to the last Message from the
Lower house and was accordingly Sent by Col Darnall who
having Delivered the Same returns again into this house—
A Message from the Lower hous pr Mr Chiseldyne Mr Hat-
ton and the Clerk with their Journal He Reports—
That whereas Our last Message Intimates the Answer of
their house pr Mr Carvile &t Confirmed by Col Lowe they
repeate from their Iournal That Col Lowe read the Answere
of the Lower house by the Speaker in these Words That that
house desired the Concurrence of the Upper house in these
Words—The Upper house Concurrs with the Lower house,
which Col Low Denies—
Mr Chiseldyne from the Lower house desires that they may
not be Concluded by any Mistake of their Members, The
Chancellor replyes they are left to Consult their own Hon-
Mr Chiseldine reports that he is Commanded from their
house to acquaint this house that they Conceive themselves
not to be Concluded by Mistake of any of their Members,
They return into their own house—