An Indenture taken by Clement Hill 1676 then Sher: of
St Maries County for Electing Burgesses, whereby Captain
Coode only Elected has full power & Authority given him by
the Freemen, Besides his Lordship upon reading the Act for
Electing and Summoning Delegates &c finds that it has only
relation to future Assemblies as by the Title of the said Act is
Expressed and therefore cannot Discover from whence they
Crave it as their Right to have four Delegates
The Speaker craving freedom of Speech in this house says
that the Freemen in Signing their Indentures which has been
brought to them has been out of respect to his Lordship and
that Possibly no person there has been capable to contend
and therefore humbly Conceives that the same ought not to be
Binding upon the Freemen to Abrogate their Priviledges—
They are desired again to withdraw to their own house and
Consider whether they may not Safely proceed to Business as
now they are they Accordingly withdraw—
Upper House August the 20th 1681 —
This house upon Mature Consideration had do conceive the
Lower house with the Number of Members whereof it now
Consists is a Sufficient full house & Sufficiently Empowered
to Negotiate the Publick Business of the Province for which as
Representatives of the Same they are now Conveened, This
house do therefore desire to know the Speedy Result of the
Lower house, whether they think fitt to Ioin with this house in
the Business for which they were both Called—
Signed pr Order John LLewillin Cl of the Assembly.
Sent by Col Lowe—Col Lowe having Delivered his Mes-
sage returns again into this house
Mr Cheseldine from the Lower house desires the Book of
Laws which is Delivered to him and he returns again—
A Message from the Lower house pr Mr Chiseldine and
Captain Sibrey
August the 20th 1681 —
This house is contented to acknowledge it a favour done to
this house by his Lordship to Consent to their Address pre-
sented to his Lordship at Mattapany and will so enter it upon
their Journal so soon as his Lordship pleases to give his Con-
sent to the Act Directing the Manner of Electing Delegates
and Representatives for this Province, which is now Drawing
with the Alteration of two Members for each respective County
instead of four formerly Incerted, And with Another Clause
providing that the Speaker of this house may issue out his
Warrant to the Honourable the Secretary of this Province that