At an Assembly held by Prorogation from the 15 th Day of
Iune Anno Dom 1676 untill the 15th Day of May Anno
Dom 1677. and from thence by Severall Prorogations
Continued and Prorogued untill the 6th Day of May
Anno Dom. 1679 But for Divers weighty and Urgent
Affairs relating to the State and Wellfare of this Prov-
ince then before Interveening, And by the Honourable
the Governor and Council of this Province taken into
Consideration Called by Proclamation bearing Date
the 28th Day of August Anno Dom 1678 to meet at
the City of St Maries the 20th Day of October then
next following, which accordingly mett the said 20th
Day of October 1678 at the City of St Maries and there
Satt till the 15th Day of November then next following
and from thence was Prorogued untill the 2d Tuesday
in May 1679 and from thence by Severall Prorogations
Continued and Prorogued till the 16th Day of Augt in
the Sixth Year of the Dominion of the Right Honour-
able Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Bal-
timore &t Annoq Dom 1682 at which said 16th Day of
August Assembly mett at the City of St Maries—
Where Appeared of the Upper house Vizt
The Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
The Honourable
U. H. Journal
p. 291
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor
William Calvert Esqr Secretary
Col Henry Coursey
Col Thomas Taillur
Col Vincent Lowe
Col William Stephens
also make their Appearance—
Jn the Upper house according to his Lordships Writts them
thereunto requiring Vizt
Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c To Our
Dear and Welbeloved Councillor Vincent Lowe Esqr Greeting,
in our Lord God Everlasting, We have appointed to hold a
General Assembly of the Freemen of Our Province at Our
City of St Maries the 16th Day of August Instant We do
therefore hereby Will and require that all Excuses and Delays
sett apart you repair in Person to Our Upper house of Assem-
bly att the time and Place Prefixed, there to Advise and Con-