6 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. I.
He answered that He hoped soon to have the pleasure of
seeing you & was persuaded you should not disagree on
The Act for the more effectual punishment of Negroes &
other Slaves taken notice of in the 68 Article of my private
Instructions I find is expired I shall take especial care on its
revival to have it more properly penned. —
(I am sorry I have reason to think myself obliged not to
comply with my Lords instructions in respect to Mr Harris as
soon as I could wish and as I mentioned in my last that I in-
tended on account of his being charged with the forgery of a
Bill during his residence in London which I am affraid He will
not be able to vindicate Himself from)
p. 6
Mr Tasker was desired to acquaint Me with the Affair & the
Clergy when they presented their Address delivered with it a
Remonstrance on his Account, I have given him leave if He
can make sufficient Interest with either of the parishes to offi-
ciate in their Church during the vacancy & till his Ldp will be
pleased to signify his farther pleasure concerning Him.
Council Minutes as mentioned to have been inclosed in the
preceding Letter. 12 Septr
His Excell: having been pleased to signify to this Board his
Ldp's pleasure that We should give our sense of what Terms
might be reasonable for an agreement between Himself & the
Proprietarys of Pensilvania in the Settlement of the respective
Limits & Bounds of their two Provinces: And several plans
& Observations being laid before Us We are of opinion that
so much uncertainty appears at present as well with respect to
the Heads of Rivers running into Chesepeak Bay as to the
Circle of Newcastle & the Latitude of the most northern Bend
of Potomack River, that We would not presume to advise any
particular Boundary unless a due North Line could be run
from the Middle of such an East & West Line as may be
agreed on between the Proprietaries across the Peninsula as
also a due West Radius run from the centre of the Circle of
Newcastle & the Latitude of the most Northern Bend of Poto-
mack be taken by Observation.
p. 4
[Sharpe to Lord Fairfax.]
My Lord
I have the honour of acquainting your Lordship with my ap-
pointment to this Government and at the same time expressing
Sincere Satisfaction from the hopes of being instrumental in
forwarding a mutual Benefit to your Lordship as well as the
Lord Proprietary of this Province
Lord Baltimore was pleased to Charge me with an Enquiry
into the True Meridian and Place of the Fountain head of Pa-