Abercrombie (Abercromby), Sir Robert,
Gen., 370, 375, 391, 447, 453, 456, 457,
465, 472, 493, 531.
Adair, —— , 120.
Adams, Rev. —— , 3.
Adirondacks (Aruadacks, Arundacks,
Orundacks; Indians), 33, 141, 146,
154, 164.
Affinity (tract of land), 71.
Albany, 16, 38, 43, 56, 62, 68, 69, 79, 81,
in, 153, 154, 216, 245, 247, 280, 281,
282, 289, 290, 291, 308, 309, 310, 311,
312, 313, 314, 318, 319, 324, 332, 333,
358, 377, 397- 430, 437: 443, 447, 44^-
465, 480, 483, 487, 493, 494, 528, 547.
Albemarle, Earl of, 257, 260, 394, 401.
Alcide (vessel), 247.
Alexander, —— , 282.
Alexandria (Belhaven), 43, 44, 140, 141,
143, 145, 147, 151, 152, 155, 158, 167,
168, 186, 188, 189, 194, 195, 196, 197,
199, 201, 202, 203, 210, 217, 230, 249,
250, 269, 387.
Alleghany (Alegany) Mountains, i, 76,
77, 96, 200, 273, 279, 285, 286, 340,
358, 394. 490. 496, 502, 510.
Alien, Capt., 158, 217.
All Hallows Parish, 178.
Amboy, 291.
Anderson, —— , 525.
Andros, Sir Edmund, 27.
Ann Arundel County, 184, 185, 371,522.
Annapolis, 8, 17, 27, 52, 54, 57, 81, 94,
loo, 103, 104, 109, 112, 113, 118, 136,
142, 143, 148, 152, 153, 156, 164, 166,
167, 171, 172, 174, 178, 186, 188, 189,
196, 201, 202, 2O9, 221, 222, 230, 233,
277, 278, 296, 309, 313, 331, 335, 343,
345- 354. 356, 364- 365. 397, 4i8, 445,
455, 463, 487. 5oy. 5T9, 523. 527. 534.
535. 537. 542, 544, 548, 557, 563-
Anne, Queen, 24, 40, 45, 85, 131, 177,
Anson, Lord, 120, 541.
- Antigua, 529.
Arbuthnot (Arburthnott), Capt., 147,
152, 155, 167.
Armstrong, Col., 490, 492, 498, 559, 563.
Arundei Manor, 163, 209, 294.
Atlantic Ocean, 20, 132, 173.
Aucquick (Aukwick; place), 126, 127,
128, 340.
Aughquage Indians, 437.
Augusta County, 94, 97, 135, 277, 358,
477. 492, 496.
Bacon, Ensign, 66, 410.
Bahama Islands, 298.
Baker, — — , 179, 206.
Baltimore County, 13, 71, 101, 218, 467,
473. 479. 482, 484. 501. 504- -
Baltimore, Lady, 36.
Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert.
Baltimore sloop, 298.
Baltimore Town, 57, 461, 509, 534.
Barons, Mr., 340, 344.
Bath, 51.
Bavaria, Elector of, 326.
Bay of Fundy, 247.
Beadle, William, 204, 544.
Beadnall, John, 539, 540.
Beall, Alexander, Capt., 543, 559, 560.
Beall, Joshua, Capt., 479, 513, 537.
Belcher (Belchier), Jonathan, Gov., no,
122, 124, 126, 127, 402.
Belem (Portugal), 326.
Belhaven. See Alexandria.
Bell, —— , 219.
Belt, J., 480.
Bennett, —— , 131.
Bermuda, 145.
Bethlehem, 446.
Biddeford, 386.
Biggs, Capt., loo.
Black Creek, 90.
Blackiston, Nathaniel, Gov., 27.
Bladen, Thomas, Gov., 12, 182, 212.
Bladen, Mrs., 187.
Bladensburg, 186, 192, 256, 367, 479.
Bohemia (Europe), 541.
Bohemia (Maryland), 373.
Bohemia River, 2, 5, 8, 18, 90, 373.
Bordley (Boardly), Stephen, 64, 134, 182,
302, 356, 381, 461, 507, 513, 542.
Boscawen, Admiral, 223, 227, 240, 242,
243, 245, 247, 264, 275, 284, 297, 298,
Boston, ii, 159, 169, 245, 247, 281, 284,
291, 298, 344, 380, 389, 392, 518, 522,
527, 528, 536-
Bouquet, Henry, Col., 533, 535, 547.
Braddock, Edward, Gen., 134, 157, 158,
167, 171, 172, 174, 175, 186, 189, 190,
193. T94. T95. !96, 202, 203, 204, 205,