[Sharpe to Gardner.]
Your Letters of the 15th & 21st Instant have been received
and laid before his Lordship's Council, by whose Advice I now
desire and recommend it to you to take your Evidences before
some Provincial or County Magistrate & let them make Oath
to the Truth of what you alledge against Mr. Ridgley and
several other Persons of Baltimore County the Magistrate
will thereupon issue his Warrant and have the Offenders
brought before him, and on their Appearance will bind them
over to the next Assizes for that County at which you will
attend with your Witnesses, and I shall give Orders to the
Attorney General to do his Duty on that Occasion. I hope
that by this Means all Cause of future Complaints from
Gentlemen who may be sent hither on the recruiting Service
will be removed and that an effectual Stop will be put to Such
violent Proceedings as are mentioned in your Letter. You
may be assured that I shall always to the utmost Power
Encourage and promote the Service in which you are engaged,
and from his past Conduct I flatter myself the Gentleman to
whom you say you applied will by his Behaviour on this Occa-
sion convince you that none is more disposed than himself to
forward and promote his Majesty's Officers.
I am Sr &c.
H. S.
Annapolis 26 August 1756
To Captain Gardner &c.
Liber J. R.
& U. S.
p. 129
[Sharpe to Loudoun.]
30th of August 1756 —
My Ld
Your Favour of the 20th Inst. advising Me of the unhappy
Accident that you conclude has happened to the westward I
have just received, for the early Intelligence I return Your Ldp
thanks as it might be a means of preventing in some measure
the fatal Consequences that these Colonies have reason to
apprehend from such an Event. We have already 200 Men
in & about Fort Frederick which I have been building on our
Western Frontiers & I have now ordered 200 of the Militia
also to patroll on this Side the Fort to cover the Inhabitants or
on Occasion to act in Conjunction with the Garrison. Your
Ldp has been already informed that there is in our Treasury
£25,000 Currency which is appropriated towards carrying on
an Expedition to the westward. Part of this I persuade Myself
the Assembly will agree to appropriate otherwise, I shall
Letter Bk. III