[Sharpe to Gov. Lawrence.]
24th of August 1756 —
I am favoured with your Letter dated at Hallifax the Ist of
luly & in Answer thereto beg leave to assure you that None of
the French who were imported into this Province last year from
Nova Scotia have been suffered either by Land or Water to
return again thither. I did indeed sometime ago hear that
those who were by you sent to So Carolina had embarked in
some small Vessels & were returning Northwd but I could never
learn that any of them landed in this province to refresh them-
selves or on any other Account; You may be assured that if
any of them should hereaiter touch here I will prevent their
reembarking & that I will by having the inclosed Act of
Assembly strictly put in Execution within this Government
hinder any of those that were sent hither from returning to
give you Trouble or Uneasiness
I am &c
[Sharpe to Morris.]
25th of Augst 1756 —
I am now to thank you for several Letters that You favoured
Me with while I was on the Frontiers & to beg your Pardon for
delaying so long to acknowledge the Receipt of them. I hear
Mr Pownall has thought proper to publish his Reasons for
refusing the Governt of Pensa I cannot take upon me to say
whether he deserves the Applause that he receives of some for
that Behaviour, tho' it must be presumed he knew best what
Step it was most advisable for him to take when he declined
accepting Mr Penn's Offer, No doubt as you intimate he has
a more desirable Governt in view & tho he should fail of that
he cannot I am told miss of Pensilva whenever the Governors
of that Province shall become elective. On the Receipt of the
Letter of the 15th Inst. acquainting me with the Reduction of
Fort Granville. I was about to send Orders to Capt Dagworthy
to send a Detachment of 50 Men from Fort Frederick to cover
Your People & keep open the Communication between Forts
Lyttelton & Shirley & your Inhabitants, but the same Morning
before the Council (without whose Advice I could not regu-
larly order our Rangers out of the Province) could meet an
Express arrived with Letters from Fort Frederick & the Fron-
tiers advising me that a large party of French & Indians made
an Incursion into this Province also & cut off many of our
People who dwelt on or near Conegochiegh. One of the