Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 467
probable this Fortification will cost the province £2000. but I
am told that one is raising at Winchester in Virga that will not
be built for less than four times that Sum & when finished will
not be half so good. We have now recruiting Parties in every
County, from the Royal Americans & the Nova Scotia Regi-
ments who distress the people exceedingly by taking their
Servants agreeable to the Act of Parliament which is said to
have passed however I think the People richly deserve it, they
have brought it on themselves & they & the Pensilvanians will
feel the Burthen of it as there are more Indented Servants in
these two Colonies than in all the Rest & as the people cannot
well manage their Business without their Assistance. Some
of our Planters in Baltimore have I hear risen on the Officers &
rescued their Servants by force but I shall instantly take
effectual Measures to prevent Attempts of that Sort for the
Letter Bk. I.
future, lest the Officers should complain that His Majesty's
Service is obstructed by Connivance of the Government.
This I foresee will lay me under great Difficulties, for the
People how ungrateful soever they may be will expect that
I should protect them, & my giving the least Countenance to
the Recruiting Officers will probably bring on me the ill Will
of the people, while both my Duty to His Majesty & the
present State of our Affairs on the Continent incline or rather
compel me to encourage the Recruiting Service to the utmost
of my power
I am Sr &c.
P. S. Since the above was writ I have received Letters
advising me that a party of Indians came down from Pensa
on the Inhabitants of this Province who dwelt near Conego-
chiegh & have cut off many of them, thus if the Pensilvanians
do not stand their Ground we shall have not only a Western
but a Northern Frontier also to defend agst those Savage
p. 223
[Denny to Sharpe.]
Philadelphia August 23d 1756 —
The Proprietaries having done me the Honor, with the Kings
Approbation, to appoint me the Governor of this Province, I
take this opportunity to inform you of my having published
their Commission and taken upon me the Administration.
I shall be extreamly glad to embrace all occasions of pro-
moting his Majesty's Service and the General Interest of the
Colonies, and as without an Union of Councils and a good