Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 465
the same Situation & Condition that they were in when I last
did myself the honour to address Myself to your Ldp & to
profess as I again do that I am Yrs &c.
[Sharpe to Calvert]
Annapolis the 21st of August 1756 & transmitted by
Capt Brooke. Dups by Capt.
Herewith you receive Copies of all the Laws that were
enacted last Session together with a few Remarks thereon, as
none of them except the Supply Bill contain any thing of an
extraordinary nature I hope they will meet with His Ldp's
Approbation. Since my Return home I have received a Letter
from Colo Lloyd in answer to the Instructions which in Obedi-
ence to His Lordship's Commands I sent him from Fort
Frederick he says they appear to be writ in a very unusual
Strain & seems to think I take upon me more than I ought in
giving such peremptory Orders about the management of His
Lordship's private Affairs, he says he is sure His Ldp has no
room to complain of his Behaviour or Delay & declares that
you do not say one Syllable to him about the Rent Roll.
I have before intimated to you how difficult it was for me to
communicate to him what His Lordship required without
giving Offence & that His Ldps Commands about his private
Affairs would probably be obeyd more readily if they were
signified to His Agent immediately by Yourself however
Colonel Lloyd again professes that no Endeavours shall be
wanting on his part to give His Lordship the Satisfaction he
requires with regard to the Western Shore Rent Roll which he
Letter Bk. I.
has directed Mr Ross (who has the Care of perfecting them for
him) to make out with all possible Dispatch. I have not yet
been able to get Parkers Bill renewed, neither can I get a Bill
of Excha to remit to yourself at this time, but I shall be able to
provide myself within this Fortnight & will take Care to send
both by a Gent" who will sail hence about that time. I doubt
not but you will long before you receive this hear of Lord
Loudon's safe Arrival, he is now at Albany & probably will
for some time continue there as the Provincials will not accept
of the Assistance or act in Conjunction with any of the Regular
Troops on the Expedition agst Crown Point, however His
Lordship has disposed of two Regiments in such a manner as
to keep open the Communication between the Provincial Army
& Albany, & to cover their Retreat in case they should prove
less succesfull than they themselves expect. General Aber-
crombie is gone to Oswego but we fear that as the French are
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