[Morris to Sharpe.]
Philadelphia Aug. 15. 1756
I received yesterday by Express from Cumberland County
an Account that Fort Granville on the River Juniata near our
Western Frontier was on the 30 Ultimo attackt taken and
burnt by a Body of French assisted by a number of Indians all
under the Command of a French Officer. There were in the
Fort when Attackt a Lieutenant and Twenty four Men with
some Women and Children; They killed the Lieut: and some
of the Men in the Action and carried off the rest Prisoners and
made a division of them, allotting to the French the Young
Men and the Women, and to the Indians the oldest of the Men
and the Children. After they had destroyed the Fort the
French Officer set up a French Flag. They have committed
many other ravages and Scalped and carried off many more of
the People in that part of the Country, which has so terrify'd
the rest that I am very apprehensive that whole Country will
be very soon deserted and the River Susquehannah become our
Western Frontier if some more speedy and effectual measures
are not taken to prevent it than I have any reason to expect
from my perverse Assembly, who being to meet to Morrow I
shall then in the Strongest Terms I can press them to provide
immediately for the better defence of that part of the Province
now in such imminent danger. I have the honor to be
Your Excellencys
Most obedt Humble servt
Robt H: Morris
P. S. Since writing the above I am informed that another
Fort on the Western frontier at a place called McDowell's
Mill is actually evacuated and that the People in those parts
who have hitherto mentained their ground, are now moveing
down into the thicker settled parts of the Province on this side
the Susquahannah. and as by the evacuation of that Fort our
communication with the Forts Lyttelton and Shirley will be cut
off it will be very difficult in our present circumstances to
hinder them from falling into the Enemys Hands.