well as those Station'd at the Bahama Islands, and the different
Colony's of North America; A List whereof I herewith Trans-
mit you, that you may be a judge of his Majesty's Naval Force
still remaining in those Seas.
As the Winter Season advances apace, and Admiral Bosca-
wen was pretty well assured before he Sail'd, that the Garrison
of Louisburg woud receive no more Supplies from France this
year, he therefore directed me to lay up the great Ships and
secure them for the Winter, that I may be the better enabled
to proceed to Sea as Early in the Spring as the Season will
permit, And Cruize in such a manner as shall be ludg'd most
proper to distress the French both at Louisburg and Quebec;
and you may be assured I shall use all the means in my power
to prevent any Supplies of Men or Provisions from being
thrown into either of those places; Or Operate in any other
manner as shall be thought most Adviseable for distressing,
or destroying, the common Enemy, and for the protection of
his Majesty's American Colony's; In Executing which Service
I shall on all occasions pay great deference to your Advice, as
I am Sensible your Excellency is very capable of informing me
I shall not fail to send you from time to time all the Intelli-
gence that may come to my knowledge of any Designs the
French may form against any of His Majesty's Colony's; and
I must also desire that you woud please to Communicate to
me any advice you may receive of the like Nature, that I may
endeavour by all means possible to disapoint their Shemes.
I am
Your Excellency's
Most Humble & Obedient Servant
R Spry.
His Excellency Governr Sharpe, Maryland
A List of Ships and Vessels under the Command of Richard
Spry Esqr Captain of His Majesty's Ship Fougeux.
Ships Names guns men where Stationed
Fougeux 64 500
Litchfield 50 330
Norwich 50 330 Halifax
Centurion 54 400
Success 20 1 30
Vulture Sloop 14 90
Mermaid 20 130 Boston
Nightingale 20 1 30 New York
Guarland 22 130 Virginia
Syren 20 1 30 South Carolina
Baltimore Sloop 16 90 North Carolina
Jamaica Sloop 14 90 Bahama's
R Spry